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Wednesday, May 13, 2020

A Train Odyssey 5...

Youtuuba plays with his old model train set in this video. He noted that it would be during this time he would take a train trip for our enjoyment, however, with the current restrictions due to the coronavirus it's not possible right now. Instead we see him run his model train around on his layout in the first video and in part two he shows off the cars of his trainset and the rest of his equipment such as track, switches, and controllers.

I just like the fact that he jokes that the engineer of that train might need to be retrained. Also there was a derailment in this odyssey, of course thankfully no derailment of a real train. Also a trick I might have tried once was intentionally derailing a train by flipping a switch at the right time.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this. I was almost tempted to pull out my model trains running them around a Christmas tree although we're a long way from the holiday season.

A Train Odyssey 5, Part 1: A Special COVID-19 "Lockdown" Excursion [VIDEO]
A Train Odyssey 5, Part 2: The Vintage Marx Train [VIDEO]

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