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Friday, August 5, 2022

Dave Ramsey's LIFE ADVICE will leave you SPEECHLESS


[VIDEO] I can't get over watching this video and seeing Dave Ramsey's old pics of him with hair.

He talks about how he was making good money taking vacations, buying expensive cars, owning a lot of real estate and then he became bankrupt. His marriage was hanging by a string even joking that his wife would've left long ago but she had no car.

Anyway, if you're struggling right now I hope his message helps you. His philosophy which he often expresses on his radio program (or you can follow The Ramsey Show YouTube channel) he might tell you to cut up all your credit cards, start paying off your bills, live on a budget or just live within your means. And of course he closes on generosity.

Hey I would like having more money in my pocket, however, I do wonder if one message rings true. Money makes you more of what you already are. If you're a jerk, you become more of a jerk. If you're a generous person now you're a philanthropist.

Here's hoping as Ramsey did once he hit rock bottom that you too will make a change in your life. It doesn't have to be financial but then it's a great start since Ramsey Solutions is about personal finances.

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