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Monday, January 17, 2022

J.J. McCullough: Our failed attempts to teach aliens about the earth


[VIDEO] Late last year I shared a video about the Voyager project that sent two space probes out of the solar system with a virtually indestructible phonograph record which is a bit of an archive of humanity as recorded for that time. A number of pictures of our planet and various pictures of people and various pictures of life on our planet in addition to the various sounds such as music our languages or even direct messages from some of planet's leaders were placed on those records.

Canadian YouTuber McCullough explores various attempts made my NASA to reach any potential extra-terrestrial species about our planet and the inhabitants. His final shot it was never about the aliens, this was about the human need to communicate about ourselves and perhaps even a hint of immortality.

WHo knows if the Voyager probes will ever be seen by alien life. Who knows if the message transmitted by the Arecibo observatory will ever be received by any alien species as it takes about 25,000 to reach the M-13/Messier 13 cluster.

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