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Thursday, January 20, 2022

Geography King: Illinois geographic profile


[VIDEO] A few months ago you saw him talking about Wisconsin at length, this time around he takes aim at the state of Illinois also known as the Land of Lincoln or The Prairie State. Looking at some aspects of our state's metro areas, cities, taxation, and economy. And he talks about doing a profile of the Chicago area so that should be good when he finally publishes that video.

This is a very comprehensive view of our state, one review I might wonder about is why he thinks Illinoisians are self-loathing about this state. No one wants to defend Illinois, that's an interesting conclusion. Perhaps the politics and governance gets us down, but then again perhaps someone out there has their own thoughts.

Illinois does have some things going for it though perhaps those running for Governor this year could be the type to get this state on par with a California or Texas or even Florida. With relatively reasonable housing prices throughout the state though a high tax burden and a high GDP & GDP Per Capita perhaps this state ought to be in that conversation with those other states.

Well enough "pontificating" I hope you enjoy! 

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