Saturday, January 22, 2022

Race for Illinois Governor 2022

[VIDEO] I've been wanting to write about this for a while Mayor Richard Irvin tossed his hat into the ring running for Illinois Governor as a Republican. He is the first Black Mayor of Aurora, Illinois having been there since 2017. Aurora is the second largest city in this state.

Now I won't get into the politics of the Republican primary as of yet. However the Republicans who are running have a goal of unseating the incumbent Democrat IL Governor J.B. Pritzker. Also just remember the primary election is on June 28, 2022 so hopefully most of us will be registered to vote by then if we haven't already. Right?

Anyway Mayor Irvin isn't the first Black person to run for Governor of Illinois. One person of note who has done so in the past was Roland Burris who was a former state comptroller, state attorney general and a U.S. Senator (was appointed to the seat of Barack Obama in controversial fashion, a story for another time perhaps) made runs for IL Governor in 1994, 1998 and 2002.

Irvin across the nation will join James Craig formerly the police chief in Detroit as he runs as a Republican for Michigan Governor. He also joins Vernon Jones former a member of the Georgia House of Representatives who is a Democrat turned Republican running for Georgia Governor. And on the Democrat side in Georgia is Stacey Abrams who is a former member of the Georgia House of Representatives who also was the Democrat nominee for Governor in 2018.

Perhaps there are other Blacks running for governships around the nation in 2022. My comments are open if you want to share any information of Blacks running for Governor this year.

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