Saturday, January 22, 2022

Mr. Beat discusses the U.S. Senate filibuster


[VIDEO] I admitted not that long ago that I used to watch C-Span and watched sessions of the U.S. Senate and got a somewhat easy grasp of the lingo though not of the rules that govern that given chamber. And then we hear about the filibuster which we see some politicians mostly Democrats as of late want to eliminate that as a tactic to stop any bill/legislation in their tracks.

Mr. Beat view the filibuster rule as a way the U.S. Senate isn'tt able to get much work done which is to pass laws/legislation at least in tandem with the U.S. House of Representatives. Whom I don't believe have the filibuster and of course have their own rules that govern that chamber.

So here's your education on the filibuster, and without having ever served in the Senate - yes I'm old enough to do so being over 30 and I also have to win an election to do so - I can't say I have a real opinion on the filibuster. Perhaps I'm not big and just changing rules or procedures for no good reason beyond it makes political sense. I could believe that the minority in the Senate should have their own means to have their voice heard and killing a filibuster could hurt that.

Anyway since the filibuster has been in the political news as of late - and with the added race issue being its use in attempting to kill civil rights legislation - I hope you learn something new with this.

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