Monday, November 22, 2021

The Madigan Rule Ep. 5: Patterns & Practices


This is the final edition of the fascinating podcast about the public life of one Michael J. Madigan who was the longtime Speaker of the Illinois House of Representatives who was forced to give up the gavel in January 2021. Indeed he gave up his longtime seat in the state house and the chairmanship of the Illinois Democratic Party. He still remains committeeman of Ward 13 in Chicago.

In this episode they talk a lot about another reason that Madigan had to step aside and it was his role with one of this state's major utility companies ComEd  - who in the Chicago area provides electricity. The Chicago way used to involve getting favored people jobs in key parts of a government like the city of Chicago or state of Illinois or with a state utility.

A state is suppose to regulate the utilities however what if you're influence over a branch of a government enables you to exact some "concessions" from a utility such as ComEd. Perhaps get someone a job who worked hard for you in your political operations. Someone who has a knack for getting out the vote.

Of course we know about his work as an attorney working with say any company with regards to property tax appeals. We know about issues of sexual harassment in his political operations. We know he knows how to play the game after many years in state gov't. And sometimes all of those operations seems to open the door to potential charges of corruption.

Madigan has denied these allegations and he's smart enough to avoid incriminating himself. He hasn't so far been caught on any wiretaps incriminating himself. The question now becomes will the federal gov't ever come close to finding anything concrete on Madigan.

Another thing up for debate beyond that is what is Madigan's legacy. In my mind I think he's been the only adult in the room, perhaps he has no core values. I just admire that more often than not it seems looks at the big picture.

On the other hand many who either worked with him or against him will say there are some things he missed the ball on. And the corruption will certainly play a hand in this also

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