Monday, November 15, 2021

Episode 4 - The Madigan Rule: What comes up...


Here's episode 4 of The Madigan Rule. This time I'm forced to embed this episode via spotify as the Better Gov't Association has yet to upload this episode to their YouTube channel. No big deal just adjust and adapt. :) 

The title of this episode is What Comes Up (transcript). Well what comes after that? This is what's being explored what helped end the tenure of Michael Madigan as the longest serving Speaker.

Well, there was an episode of patronage. Name the agency or even a power company like Commonwealth Edison...err ComEd or Metra and he used his influence to get people connected with his organization jobs.

Another thing that had come up in the five episodes of the podcast was his ability to seek out business for his law firm. The primary business of his firm is to represent clients on property tax appeal. He's a powerful politician who represents a major business in the intensely political process of property tax appeals. That certainly raises some eyebrows perhaps he could use his position as speaker of the house as part of his "side job".

Oh yeah let me be clear technically speaking being a state legislator in Illinois is in fact a part-time job.

Anyway, what provided major problems before Madigan ended his tenure was allegations of sexual harassment. A loyal soldier in his organization accused another member of sexual harassment and faced retaliation for her allegations. The former Speaker tried to handle it the old school way telling the accused to knock it off, however, other than the ComEd federal investigation this provided the reason why earlier in 2021 Madigan would step away from public life.

I hope you enjoy.

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