Tuesday, May 25, 2021

If you're waiting for student loan forgiveness...


[VIDEO] Here's Dave Ramsey talking about student loan forgiveness and it's really no surprise. While there was continuing challenges to Biden's election as President he was already talking about this. President Biden isn't going to fight for student loan forgiveness and if there was the cap would be at about $10K for presumably federal student loans.

While I need to find out more about any proposals, I think this is mostly for federal student loans. If you have private student loans, well the federal gov't likely won't do much to forgive them.

So from Ramsey, any student loan relief hasn't been budgeted at all. Biden isn't full speed ahead on this at all, and that's in spite of some elements of his constituency seeking this i.e. the progressive left.

Either way since this pandemic since a lot of people have been out of work, student loan repayments - for federal loans only - have been put on hold. I believe you can repay without paying interest right now and you won't be penalized for it once repayments resume.

Of course once things start going back to normal that is more people start going back to work - since vaccinations appear to be keeping the coronavirus at bay thank goodness - repayments of student loans will resume. We can't wait for these politicians to handle what we need to handle ourselves in the first place. Student loan relief could take an act of Congress and it will be a decent wait unfortunately.

BTW, it would be nice if one could have a billionaire at your graduation and offer a grant to pay off your student loan debt. It happened once, however, don't depend on only that either.

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