Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Governing: Who ruined Illinois?

I'm sharing this article for historical purposes. It seems we're a whole different unniverse from where Illinois had been during the 2018 election. What would write about Illinois as we head into the 2022 election?

This article discusses at least the last five governors up to 2018. From Jim Edgar to George Ryan to Rod Blagojevich to Pat Quinn and finally Bruce Rauner who lost his bid for re-election in '18 to J.B. Pritzker. It's amazing to see the all powerful Michael Madigan who at the start of 2021 relinquished the post of Speaker of the state house, his state house seat, and chairman of the Democrat Party of Illinois. And John Cullerton left the state senate and thus he also relinquished his position as Senate President.

Also noted here is the financial position of Illinois. When Edgar left office as Governor in 1999 he left the state a more than $1 billion surplus. After Edgar Illinois suffered from recessions especially the one after the 9/11 attacks and then let's not forget the 2007-08 "great recession". And couple both of those economic crises with Edgar stating that the state "had bad luck with a couple of governors".

How many of you feel like there's more than a couple of governors we've had bad luck with?

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