Monday, June 15, 2020

Future plans for the Springfield project

One of the things I'd like to do for this blog is pay a visit to Springfield, Illinois. It was something of a goal to see Illinois state government in action. Although to be fair I've never had the chance to look at a government that actually does affect me which is Chicago city government. The only thing I've been able to do in Springfield so far is pass through.

I already announced in March that any potential plans to visit Springfield has been put on hold due to the coronavirus. Thankfully we're at a point now where restrictions have been eased to the point where people can dine outdoors for example. I want to note that instead of this ongoing pandemic the headless has been dominated by the unrest due to issues involved police brutality and misconduct towards minority citizens.

This has only served to strengthen my resolve to see some aspects of how at the very least state government works in Illinois. As was my plan even back in March, in the near future my goal is to visit Springfield, IL and document my experiences on the YouTube channel for The Sixth Ward.

On another note another thing I'd like to do in Springfield is to visit the Illinois State Fair. Although Chicago politically dominates Illinois, the rest of the state is largely agricultural. Unfortunately due to the ongoing concerns by state government with regards to the coronavirus, any state fairs have been cancelled for this year.

It's probably a blow to both parties since well in an election year this is a major event for this state's political establishment. However, because we're still within the limits of a pandemic regardless of where the numbers are as far as infections or deaths this unprecedented crisis has caused plenty of plans to change.
Regardless I hope that in the future things go back to normal and I will see the Illinois General Assembly in action.

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