Monday, October 18, 2010

New ISAT lets kids pass with more wrong answers

This is the oddest story I have seen out there. What is this about?
Illinois has been cutting the number of points required to pass annual achievement exams, allowing children to flub more questions but still be deemed "proficient."
Back in 2006, it took 36 of 56 points — about 64 percent — to pass the fifth-grade reading test. Now, it's 31 points, or 55 percent.
The third- and fourth-grade reading tests used to require 61 percent of possible points. This year, it's 54 percent.
Compared with 2006, fewer correct answers are required to pass 11 of 12 Illinois Standards Achievement Tests in reading and math, state data show, raising questions about how much students really have to know.
Meanwhile, passing rates on the exams have risen, assuring parents and the public that schoolchildren are making gains.
This article is worth your time. Almost seems like cooking the books here.

Via Capitol Fax!

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