Thursday, October 21, 2010

Observations before visiting that Bennett-Shedd LSC meeting

Well instead of writing about the meeting I'll just discuss the sights and sounds of that day.

First I was very disappointed to find that as I walk into the school there were metal detectors right at the entrance. It never made sense to me that before you go to school for the day you had to be searched as if you were entering a courthouse. Unfortunately we do know why they have metal detectors at our schools these days. We all too often hear about violent incidents at our schools, especially high schools, where a weapon (such as a gun) was involved.

I saw that the auditorium was open and then beyond the metal detector was a desk where security was posted. Very different from the last time I was there. Unfortunately safety around these schools are important and that means a presence of security cameras and before I left I caught a glimpse of what they see.

I was confused as to where to go for the meeting and at least there was a security guard who saw me and asked if I needed help. He told me where to go for the LSC meeting.

The school does look different but not as different as I saw Harlan last year. The school still looks like it was built in the late 1920s. There were signs for science project winners with very familiar names unfortunately the banners stopped around 1998 or so. There was a trophy case as well with a big softball in it.

Some of the classrooms look no different than the last time I attended a class there although I didn't enter a classroom. But I did get a glimpse of those murals I wish I could share with you in the school's cafeteria. Well there is a room where the students eat, and another room where the food is actually served during the lunch periods.

Oh yeah this school actually has two front entrances. I entered in the main entrance on the north side of the school near 101st. The other entrance is on the south end closer to 102nd Street. When students enter the school there they also have to walk through a metal detector posted outside that entrance.

If there was anything I could do I would get rid of these metal detectors unless they were absolutely needed.

I turned the corner and headed towards the school library where the meeting would take place. The open door was what would greet me to this meeting. A huge Chicago Public Library card would greet my outside the door. And I saw a decade plus amount of change just that quick.

Nine Dell computers, some large shelves of books were gone! There was more room in the library. Well the shelves used be on the floor, but in their place instead was smaller shelves. A table with chair designed for young children.

This library was decorated with a lot of decoration. Lot of stuff you would buy at an education themed store. I noticed on a closet that there were boards for Mayor Daley Book Club, announcements and others than I can't remember. There were on top of a bookshelf AV machines where displayed between displays noting the Bennett-Shedd Junior Beta club. One was dated for 1998.

Well the old school library has made way for the 21st century which was certainly a good thing. :)

I'll write about the actual LSC meeting later on. It started half an hour late and I wasn't out of there until at least 6:30.

Next time I arrive I want to take some pictures of the insides. Got to find a way to swing that!

1 comment:

desiree said...

My brother and I went to Shedd and Bennett and my daughter graduated from Bennett/Shedd as well. It is good to hear the school is doing well.

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