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Thursday, February 20, 2025

What Mr. Beat left out of his 2024 Presidential Election video?


[VIDEO] One thing I do recall he never mentioned is that he left out that J.D. Vance is the first millennial to be elected to the Vice Presidency. For the record I consider myself a xillennial my birthdate straddles the line between millennial and Gen. X.

I'm sure there are other things I don't recall but if you have some time you have about two hours to watch this live stream from President's Day 2025. Perhaps there are some things not mentioned here that didn't get mentioned as far as the 2024 race.

You can watch Mr. Beat's 2024 Presidential Election video here.

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Mr. Beat on the 2024 Presidential race


[VIDEO] Here it is!

Mr. Beat's official 2024 election video. That race proved to be such a wild race. Who knew that President Donald Trump would make his return to the Oval Office after what happened in the aftermath of the 2020 Presidential race?

One thing that caught my eye in this video is a return to the spoils system. Basically insuring that those within the government are loyalists to your administration. What has been discussed within the populist right has been how the professional bureaucrats of the federal gov't helped undermind administrations they don't like.

America has already had a spoils system and at some point in the past our gov't were often staffed by a permanent bureacracy. And another argument made is that these bureacrats make some decisions over our lives and they're not elected.

With discussions of buyouts and more recently outright firings and even head of "D.O.G.E." Elon Musk declaring in a tweet that the Dept. of Education no longer exists. I'd say as they attempt to make gov't more efficient it seems more and more likely what Trump's priority is, perhaps he doesn't want a professional bureacracy. Perhaps more Presidents should staff the executive branch the way they see fit.

Now I'm sorry for not paying attention to what Trump was talking about during the campaign. And the fact that someone was attempting to kill him during that campaign. It helped to tip the odds in his favor. The use of weaponized "lawfare" was terrible and probably showed that someone was veyr concerned about him. Everything they tried to do seemed designed to keep him from running for President again and they may know full well after 2020 he had unfinished business. I wonder if they had just left him alone would he have just gone away on his own.

Meanwhile you had a President who was showing he couldn't handle the rigors of the job and while it's noted that his Vice President and her running mate breathed new life into the Democratic Party, it became clear to me that the Harris/Walz ticket was going to have their clock cleaned. Yeah Trump didn't perform well in his debate against Kamala Harris, however, it became clear that she wasn't the one either.

I'm curious what many of you think of the 47th President so far?

ALSO, feel free to watch what set up the 2024 race. Mr. Beat's video about the 2020 race.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Knowledgia: The History of Illinois in 20 mins.


[VIDEO] Well it's not often we show a video with regards to the history of this state. They did note Illinois' population decline, the election of Barack Obama as President, and the scandal involving former Gov. Rod Blagojevich.

I hope you learn something new from this video.

Monday, January 27, 2025

Rating the 10 finalists for Illinois' state flag.

UPDATE (2/4/25): The video that I had embedded was made private but here is that same segment via Illinois Public Radio that you can listen to.

[VIDEO] This video was published to YouTube last month before voting started for a new IL state flag. And the guest on this segment - Ted Kaye of the North American Vexillological Association takes a look at the designs for a future state flag.

He notes that the states of Utah, Minnesota, and Mississippi most recently had adopted new state flags and all of those flags were discussed by Kaye on this segment. Mississippi broke the rule of not having words on a flag though allowed this was more or less a political or historic compromise.

I think his views on the state flags designs are semi-similar to mine and I slept on (the wild-card) that I think could make a great flag. The one you see in the screen cap the very top left corner - almost a true tricolor with the white space that is shaped as the letter I - the letter I is for Illinois :P. And I feel as if this could be the most American design possible.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

C-Span: Donald Trump inauguration speech


[VIDEO] From yesterday's inauguration immediately after President Trump was sworn in at the 47th POTUS.

He sets the tone for the next four years of his presidency. He mentioned how he expect the Federal Gov't will be a meritocracy. He also mentions that gender is either a man or a woman 🤯. He also discusses taking control of the border between the U.S. and Mexico.

And of course after this he signs a series of executive orders with regards to some of these issues. He's ordering federal employees back into the office, several executive orders with regards to immigration and taking control of the southern U.S./Mexico border, also with regards to energy opening up Alaska for energy production.

Aside from the more pomp and circumstances aspects of January 20, 2025 he already had a relatively busy day. 

Any thought on his inauguration speech?

Mr. Beat: Combining Every INAUGURAL ADDRESS in U.S. History


[VIDEO] Well Inauguration Day has passed in America.

Donald Trump was sworn in as the 47th President of the United States on Monday - which also just so happens to be the MLK holiday. 

In this video, Mr. Beat recites an amalgamated inaugual address taken from past presidents. And also goes over a bit of the history of presidential inaugurations. Like all things in America politics related the festivities of inauguration day has evolved.

I would like to share what happened after President Trump was sworn in on Monday.

Thursday, January 16, 2025

My favored rejected designs for the Illinois state flag

Generated by GrokAI

I wanted to dig into this, perhaps some of these rejected designs for a possible new state flag could be the proposed symbol for the Illinois Republic. My vision for this republic is not only to revamp how this great state could be governed, but what could be done to unify this state and give it the pride that it deserves.

My vision could put Illinois up there with places like Texas, Vermont, or even California states that actually were independent republics before they became part of the United States. Either way it's difficult to create something resembling a "new regime" without creating symbols (i.e. a flag) to represent it.

So the so-called state flag reject pile was shared on Capitol Fax on Monday linked below.

While I haven't gone through every submission so far, there are a few that I do consider favorites and then from the 10 designs that were chosen I also want to share the ones I do like best. In addition, other than the grassroots designs shown it's also important to show the favorite choices of others.

Of course click on the screencaps below to see the text description of each design. You will see 20 below the page break.

Monday, January 13, 2025

Voting for a state flag is now open

Generated by Google Gemini

I wanted to write about the rejected designs that I really liked. However, we can further discuss those designs that Illinois' citizens can vote on as of last Friday, January 10th.

We can start with already established designs such as our state flag. Then we will look at those designs I really like submitted by Illinois residents.

I've included screen caps and the text with the designs, feel free to click these pics for a full view of these designs and accompanying text descriptions.