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Wednesday, July 17, 2024

J.J. McCullough: RESIGN? Trudeau and Biden's overlapping leadership crises


[VIDEO] The differences & similarities between the respective leaders of Canada and United States. Duration is over 20 mins for this video.

Allow me to add that Canada has a slightly different electoral system to our nation. Canada has a parliamentary/Westminster system of gov't vs. the USA which is a republican form of gov't.

The next elections in Canada is at least next year, and there is a strong possibility that Canadians may want a change in their gov't. This could lead to Prime Minister Trudeau opting to stand down before the next election and his party chooses another leader in time for the next election. I see no indication that he would although I'm not an ardent follower of Canadian politics.

And now Joe Biden. Before the recent incident in Pennsylvania regarding President Donald Trump - the GOP nominee for President - the news cycle was dominated by whether or not he'd drop out of the race. My thoughts are why wasn't this discussed well before the summer. Someone should've been working on him at least 6 months ago. There is no strong indication that he would drop out and if he did we'd have a bit of a scramble to determine who would run in his place.

Even if he stayed in the race indications are that he would likely lose his rematch with his predecessor President Trump.

Some contrasts here are ages. Trudeau is in his early 50s and his background showed no indication that he could one day become a nat'l leader in Canada. He's also the son of a Canadian Prime Minister in the late Pierre Trudeau. He had talent that led him to becoming not only the leader of Canada's Liberal Party it also led him to the office of Prime Minister, Canada's head of gov't.

Biden on the other hand is aged 81, the oldest President ever elected. He's spent most of his life in politics being elected to the US Senate aged 30 in 1972. He was Vice President under Obama from 2009 - 2017. Then he runs for President in 2020 in a chaotic year and after two other earlier tries he finally succeeds. Whether I like it or not...

Of course I may also add it's debatable if he has the same talents that Justin Trudeau has as a politician. Although we may cringe at Trudeau's attempts to connect with the youth.

Sorry for my longwinded response to this video however time will tell the results of the 2024 race and certainly we will see what happens in Canada once election season commences there as well.

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