Monday, February 19, 2024

Peter Santello: Breaking hood mindset, Jackson, MISS


[VIDEO] Tommie Mabry meets with Peter Santenello as he sees the real story around Jackson, Mississippi - the state capital. Mabry went to Tougaloo College and graduated with his undergrad and graduate degrees.

The lesson here is what does it take to turn around a depressed area? Are the people in depressed areas, depressed? How do we change the depression?

Another thing to look at is if we aren't exposed to new possibilities, how can we realize them? Say if you lived in an area that seems run-down, are you still able to see yourself living in a suburban area that is well maintained.

Oh and for those of you who are college minded. When Peter and Tommie tour Tougaloo College they meet with the school's provost and they talk about college financing. If you join an honor's society Phi Theta Kappa (ΦΘΚ) you can earn a scholarship. Do your first two years at a community college - or here in Chicago the City Colleges - join ΦΘΚ and possibly get a scholarship for your last two years at a university.

That should be motivation for those of you trying to figure out how to pay for college and getting your associate's degree shouldn't be that expensive. ;)

Think about it! 

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