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Saturday, April 1, 2023

Mr. Beat: Every impeachment in American history


[VIDEO] Mr. Beat - hopefully your favorite ed-u-tuber - takes on this civic/political topic of impeachment. The relevant part of this process you can find in the US Constitution.

As you will see three presidents have been impeached and all have been acquitted. Trump is the only president to have been impeached twice and in the second case he was impeached just as he was leaving office due to his alleged role in inciting the January 6, 2021 insurrection. And one driver of this was to make him ineligible for running again for president in 2024.

In addition to three presidents - Andrew Johnson, Bill Clinton, and Donald Trump. The other federal officials who were impeached were a US Senator, cabinet officials, a US Supreme Court Justice, and federal judges. Some were removed from their office and in some cases were ineligible to hold any federal office.

They noted that usually for impeachment hearings the House would hold investigative committees and then they would have a vote for impeachment. Then a trial in the Senate which would determine whether or not to convict the impeached party. Basically the House is the grand jury and the Senate is the jury.

Now also note that the process is meant to be political, perhaps a mechanism to remove someone who at the very least isn't operating within the bounds of the Constitution. What helps this process is whether or not there were actual criminal charges against the official. In most cases noted in this video there were criminal charges that lead to impeachment.

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