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Friday, July 29, 2022

Humiliating: Gen-Z can't answer basic questions


[VIDEO] Wow! These young people can't answer questions about basic history, math, money, or even geography. Some of these aren't that hard.

  • How many stars are on the US flag?
  • How many states are in the US?
  • What is the capital of Chicago
  • What state is Utah located in?
  • How many dimes are in a dollar?
  • How many minutes are in a quarter of an hour?
  • If you travel 60 MPH how far do you travel in an hour? Honestly this would vex me.
  • Who fought in the Civil War?
  • What year was the US founded?
  • What countries border the US?
  • Name three countries.
  • How many seasons are there?
  • What is 3x3x3?
I think this is a representative samples of questions and many of them couldn't even come close to the right answer. Only one question on this list could someone adequately answer which is the seasons. Again not difficult questions, but these young people of varying ages - some of these surely are in high school and others much older - can't answer them.

What have our schools been teacher these young people? How does a geography question quickly become a history question? How can one girl easily identify the Kardashians instead of being able to answer these questions?

I see one young lady carrying around a pride flag but she has difficulty with these questions. I don't care if she's into that what I do care about is if she's adequately educated. I might care if she knows the value of the dollar she might use to buy things.

The implication here is to ask whether or not these young people are adequately prepared for the real world. It seems they're not....

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