Saturday, June 18, 2022

Mr. Beat: Maryland & Virginia compared


[VIDEO] Well when was the last time we saw two states compared. It feels like it's been a minute.

I'm not that familiar with both states but have been numerous times. I view Virginia as more of a southern state though I've never been anywhere else other than northern Virginia. As far as Maryland I remained int he Washington D.C. metropolitan area. Actually it's probably true for both Virginia and Maryland.

We hear about the Mason Dixon line which marks the border between Maryland and Pennsylvania. It was also the line that had divided slave states and non-slave states. We learn how Maryland got it's odd shape. We see that West Virginia was actually once part of Virginia.

One thing I know from history is that Maryland was an English colony for Roman Catholics and even now has a significant Catholic population while Virginia is more evangelical Christian. Maryland is more densely population compared to Virginia and thanks to Baltimore Maryland has a higher crime rate.

I could go on and on, but it's better if you watch the video. Perhaps you've also been to both states and have your own commentary?

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