Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Daily Dose of Internet: Realizing Everyone is an NPC


[VIDEO] Time for a little fun from Daily Dose of Internet, it took me a minute to recognize what an NPC is. For you gamers - I'm really not a gamer - NPC is a "non-playable character". Basically if you're referred to as such in real-life an easily description is you have no personality, no real independent thought or actions. Of course in a video game you're just in the background.

My cousins had a Playstation and one of the games they had was an NBA game and there was a mode where you could play basketball at a park. I remember a guy in the background with a boombox and just for fun, I'd throw my basketball at him and it would just bounce right off. The guy never responded or reaction, that's a blatant example of an NPC. His purpose had little to do with the game.

Of course there are other things other than that in this video, that I hope you will enjoy. Perhaps you learned something new or see something that you're curious about.

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