Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Black Handprint Mafia: John Gotti - 'I took myself out of the gutter. My life was dictated for me.'


[VIDEO] RJ Roger talks a bit about his own background and the lives of mob boss John Gotti and gang leader Tookie Williams. All come from a very poor background and while RJ Roger went to school and advertises that he has an MBA. Gotti and Williams went into the life of crime.

Roger doesn't mention it here but I will. Gotti died in federal custody after having been convicted in federal court and sentenced to life in prison. Williams on the other hand was executed in California for murder. For both men they might cite either a lack of a father in their lives or just a father who wasn't entirely able to provide for them.

I can somewhat relate this to perhaps some of my classmates in school. One lesson I should've learned then is everyone I went to school with aren't like me. Not to say I had it made, however, perhaps most of my classmates didn't have in their lives what I had.

There was one classmate that I recall was made fun of and it took me a few years to realize that he was in reality neglected by his folks. He was probably hungry because he was caught taking a sandwich from the teacher's lounge. He was often seen napping during class time. A few classmates complained about his hygiene. His grandmother was the only adult who seemed to show up at school for him and she seemed gruff. And he did have a brother who was a grade or so ahead of us so he had someone else who cared for him. One thing to remember about him was that he was not the one to trifle with either.

So I don't want to talk too much about him, but sometimes I wonder where he is in life now. My hopes for everyone is that even if they started life with difficulty that they've turned it around and made something of themselves.

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