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Saturday, April 23, 2022

Mr. Beat: Oklahoma & Texas compared


[VIDEO] How about some geography today. Mr. Beat compares the southwestern states Oklahoma and Texas. 

As you know Texas - known as the Lone Star State - for a variety of reasons has become the next hot state along with Florida and has seen growth in population in recent years. I think at some point in the past two decades Texas surpassed New York at the second most populous state in these United States.

The Sooner State - Oklahoma - is known for having a large number of American Indians, Native Americans, or Indigenous Americans. Many of those tribes who reside there were part of the "Trail of Tears" when the US Gov't in the 19th century forced them from their lands in the southeast - states like North and South Carolina, Georgia, etc.

I've spent some time in Texas over the years and have visited cities as Houston, Dallas, Austin, and Amarillo. Dallas is known as the site of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy - I've been to the exact site near Dealey Plaza where this horrific event occurred.

I also want to add that I've only passed through Oklahoma going through Oklahoma City and Tulsa and at that my last visit to that state was over 30 years ago. Probably about time to visit again!

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