Monday, March 21, 2022

Mr. Beat: Kansas and Nebraska compared


[VIDEO] A while ago I shared a comparison video between Nebraska and Iowa two midwestern states. Now how about another comparison between another pair of midwestern states Kansas and Nebraska - wait there was a Congressional act named for those two states right?

Anyway Mr. Beat didn't release a video last Friday so today I will offer this treat for you all. In the more recent comparison video Mr. Beat didn't discuss the Runza sandwich. In this one he does and you might have heard about it from Geography King also.

Also both states I've passed through on the way across the country. I noted that Nebraska is the only state with a unicameral legislature. Kansas has some very well known political figures such as the late Bob Dole. Both states trend Republican. 

I could go on and on however once you watch the video, hopefully you learn something new.

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