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Saturday, February 26, 2022

Secretary of State

In Illinois, 2022 will feature for the first time since 1998 an open seat for the statewide office of Secretary of State. Most American states have such a position and in most states it's an elected position. When I hear this title sometimes I think of the US Secretary of State who is basically in charge of foreign affairs for the federal government however some duties of the US Sec. of State is similar to a state Secretary of State.

Here in Illinois most of us know the Secretary of State as the office that primarily issues driver's licenses and license plates of course there are other functions involved with this office which is currently held by Jesse White since 1999. White is a longtime political figure who's name is attached to the group known as the Jesse White Tumblers.

Check Secretary White out in video below discussing organ donation. Bear in mind that when you renew your drivers license you can also indicate whether or not you wish to be an organ donor. [VIDEO]

From IL's Blue Book here are more details about the functions of the Secretary of State

As provided in the Illinois Constitution, the Office of the Secretary of State’s main functions are to maintain official state records and the state seal. However, many additional responsibilities have been added over the years, making the office one of the largest and most diverse of any of its counterparts nationwide. 

As the second-largest state constitutional office, the Secretary of State’s office is visited by more Illinois residents than any other in state government. The office generates nearly $2.5 billion in annual revenue with more than $1.5 billion a year designated for state highway construction funds. The office registers investment advisers, securities dealers, lobbyists and businesses. It also manages one of the largest computer databases in Illinois, keeping track of approximately 9 million drivers, 11 million registered vehicles and more than 875,000 registered business entities. The office provides an important resource to educate the public about traffic and school bus safety, drunk driving, securities fraud, literacy, and organ/tissue donation. 

Secretary of State Jesse White has remained committed to enhancing customer service at facilities, promoting safety on Illinois roads and strengthening the integrity of the office. Technology upgrades in the office have improved the online renewal of driver’s licenses and license plates, as well as a variety of business transactions. White’s efforts to restore public trust in the office include establishing a code of conduct for employees, setting strict fundraising policies that prohibit employee contributions, giving the Inspector General subpoena powers and increasing penalties for bribery.

As an aside for this office, it can be used as a stepping stone. Governors Jim Edgar and George Ryan most recently were formerly Secretaries of State before they were elected Governors of Illinois. Unfortunately George Ryan was convicted on federal charges for corrupt activities that were going on when he was Secretary of State from 1991 to 1999. 

If you want updates from the office of IL Secretary of State I will refer you to twitter @ILSecOfState

And from my ig page, the Secretary of State facility at 99th & King Drive.



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