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Monday, February 21, 2022

Mr. Beat: Which Presidents are related?


[VIDEO] This video actually dropped last Friday. If you hadn't had enough Mr. Beat he's doing a livestream today on President's Day with another YouTuber as far as ranking all of America's Presidents.

In this above video, he's listing the many ways that Presidents are related to each other. So these presidents are in some way distantly related to each other, think distant cousins. Some are closely related to others and no I'm not even talking about fathers and sons who became president or even grandfather and grandson.

If you want to know George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush were father and son. So was John Adams and John Quincy Adams. William Henry Harrison and Benjamin Harrison were grandfather and grandson.

Also another known fact Theodore Roosevelt and Franklin Delano Roosevelt were fifth cousins.

However, if you want to know the relationships to our various Presidents watch the video. Another fact extrapolated from this video many of our presidents can claim as an ancestor English King John I. Indeed many Presidents can claim an ancestor from Royalty.

This day Feb 21st is a federal holiday President's Day. However in the state of Illinois this is a holiday known as Washington's Birthday. Earlier this month another state holiday is Lincoln's Birthday.

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