Friday, February 25, 2022

Mr. Beat: Iowa & Nebraska compared


[VIDEO] Geography time, two similar states compared with each other. How many of us know anything about both of these states? I've only passed through both of these states over the years whether by car or by train. I know both of these states as primarily agricultural states.

Nebraska politically is known as the only state with a unicameral - one chamber - legislature. Iowa politically is known for their caucuses that are part of the Presidential Primaries to determine Presidential election nominees. There are a couple of vids about the Iowa caucuses on this blog.

Perhaps we might have heard of both of these state's largest cities which is Des Moines in Iowa and Omaha in Nebraska. Both are considered very conservative, however, other than those tidbits I don't have much to add. However, what does Mr. Beat have to add as far as our knowledge of these American states or in this case these two Midwestern American states.

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