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Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Civic symbols

Flag of Chicago, IL

I have to give this blog some type of a hook because I want to inform or entertain. However, I'm a fan of civic or political symbols. 

In the sidebar of this blog is the city of Chicago's flag. You know over a white field there are two sky blue bars and in between those bars are four six-point stars. Do you know what the symbolism of them are?

And there is the city of Chicago seal. You know the symbolism of that?

What symbols does the state of Illinois uses? Have you seen the state's flag? And would you know the state's seal?

And then lets go further the many symbols of the federal gov't. Have you see the Great Seal of the United States? Do you know what the stars and stripes represents? And no we're not going in anyway "SJW" when we talk about the symbols that represents the federal gov't or at the very least our great nation the United States of America.

In the new year I've giving myself a project. Perhaps if you've never thought about these things or even just didn't know, hopefully I can both inform and entertain you all! 

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