Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Ramsey: Steve Harvey Said Debt Freedom Is Impossible?


[VIDEO] Steve Harvey hosts the game show Family Feud - Dave Ramsey said he last watched the show when the late Richard Dawson hosted that's almost late 1970s to early 1980s. Anyway the current host Harvey comments to an answer by a young contestant who answers about milestones worth celebrating. The young man answers something along the lines of being debt free, not exactly what he says but basic gist.

So this gets Ramsey and his co-host to talking about what Harvey said. The key to being rich is "other people's money" according to Harvey. "Debt is good" says Harvey. Being debt free "isn't going to happen" says Harvey.

Well Ramsey doesn't like that and noted that Steve Harvey owed $25 million to the IRS, so for being a dream killer to this young man Ramsey and his co-host beats him up a bit. The advice he gives to Harvey is don't be a dream killer and stay in your lane and not give any financial advice.

For me I wish someone pulled me aside and said about my own debt, what are you doing? Are you sure you'll be able to pay these loans off? Why don't you just quit while you're ahead?

It's a laudable goal for that young man to want to be debt free. Getting rich isn't possible with other people's money. When you own your income you have freedom, and this is what I'm working towards.

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