Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Ramsey: Is FREE college finally a reality?


[VIDEO] If you go to a school like Harvard I would say take it to the bank with a school as wealthy as them and they can afford to allow a student who is low-income to attend their university for free.

However in this case they're talking about a "debt-free" initiative at Ohio State University. So in lieu of student loans you can finance your education with a combination of grants, scholarships or internships.

While it sounds so good to just cancel all student loan debts, what's really necessary is some reform of tuition and fees in higher education. I've grown to realize that going to college is a hell of a bet to try to spend 20 years attempting to pay off. If you plan to go to school hopefully you have a good financial plan and that means if your dream school is a prestigious school like Morehouse perhaps you have to decide while looking at tuition and fees if that's the right school to attend.

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