Saturday, November 6, 2021

Mr. Beat: Why time zones exist?


[VIDEO] In this video we establish why there are time zones established around the world. While there are only 24 hours in a day which represents the earth's daily rotation, we actually have 39 time zones often established by geography and especially politics.

The British were the first to establish a prime meridian to help with administering their growing global empire and to help British mariners establish their positions on the earth's oceans. Other nations established their own prime meridians however by the 19th century the British prime meridian became standard which became Greenwich Mean Time. The standard time for the whole globe.

However what was also mentioned is the role of the railroads in establishing time zones. That's something one probably has heard about in their classrooms at some point. Most transportation companies operate on a schedule of some sort and Mr. Beat mentions that you might need time to insure that you don't find yourself crashing into another train.

I hope you enjoy this video.

BTW, this weekend you have to set your clocks back an hour. Daylight Savings Time is over for 6 months get ready. We got places we need to go whether work or what not so I want to help you reset your clocks.

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