Tuesday, October 12, 2021

What is whiteness and what is the opposite of it?

 This graphic I understand was originally seen on the Smithsonian Institution's website last year after the race riots that occurred around the nation after the death of George Floyd as he was being arrested by Minneapolis Police officers. This graphic attacked this rather vague concept called whiteness and there is an exhibit about this at the Smithsonian via the Nat'l Museum of African American History & Culture.

Allow me to share the tweet, someone had to have created this graphic for the Smithsonian. It turns out the source of this graphic is a former professor at Oklahoma University a woman named Judith Katz.

Now here is the graphic in question to be shared here for posterity because who knows how long that tweet will remain up. It was posted to the Smithsonian site last year however was taken down due to outcry though many have saved this to their hard drives and it continues to circulate for various audiences online.
Click for larger version

A few things that I see here that raises my eyebrows - nuclear family, hard work, based on Christianity, scientific method, self-reliance, etc. A lot of those are seen as negative, does anything you see from the above graphic seem negative to you?

Are what you see on the above graphic just a means to attack European culture or philosophy? Is that what this odd graphic is all about?

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