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Thursday, October 28, 2021

Some cable TV nostalgia

[VIDEO] I've been thinking about doing some nostalgia type posts and this post I want to dedicate somewhat to the time I first got cable. My folks wired our home with cable first in the late 1980s to early 90s.

Cable exposed me to a new world different from the channels you could get over the air back then. WBBM, WMAQ, WLS, WGN, WTTW, WYCC, WFLD, WSNS - Spanish, WCIU - used to be a Spanish channel before 1995, WGBO - became Spanish after 1995, or WPWR - which was the channel I used to watch a lot of Star Trek. Before cable that was my TV world and I still would occasionally refer to them by their channel numbers 2, 5, 7, 9, 11, 20, 26, 32, etc....

This was one of the memorable shows I remember from watching cable back then the Sportswriters on TV on the former Sports Channel Chicago. As I kid I just didn't get it, what do these old guys doing talking around a poker table smoking their cigars know about sports. BTW, until recently I didn't know they used a poker table for their set...

Anyway this edition I found commemorated old Comiskey Park which used to stand on the north side of 35th Street. Riding the L or even on the Dan Ryan this was a very recognizable landmark. That was until the Chicago White Sox was considering leaving Chicago for Florida and was demanding a new baseball stadium which they got thanks to some machinations in Springfield.

So at some point before the final game there in late 1990 they do a show there at home plate. They're talking about the history of the place and the athletes who played there. And to share this as part of my nostalgia is one way to acknowledge that there is a world series between the Astros and the Braves right now.

Also to show how close the White Sox where to getting into the fall classic this year. Well hardly since they were eliminated in the American League Division Series. The ALDS didn't exist back in 1990 as the top two teams in both leagues then went on to a League Championship Series to determine who goes to the World Series.

Regardless it's hard to believe how long ago 1990 is. How much different the world has become now? I don't know about you and can't believe I've gotten that old but that era just seemed far more simpler than 2021. It's unbelievable.

I hope you enjoy this look back.

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