Saturday, October 2, 2021

Mr. Beat gets reactions to the Confederate battle flag


[VIDEO] Mr. Beat does a man on the street style video getting reactions from people in Lawrence, Kansas regarding the Confederate battle flag. I'm referring to this flag by it's most common reference although we mostly know it as the Confederate flag. As you will see in this video Confederate forces carried the battle flag in engagements against the Union Army during the Civil War.

The Confederacy had used different flags to represent their nation and the battle flag itself as we're most familiar wasn't used as such. The history as far as how the flag itself became less of a symbol of Southern heritage vs a symbol of hate and white supremacy is very interesting. It's also interesting how this flag became so mainstream as opposed to only being seen in the south - or the former Confederacy is another story in and of itself.

Also, I see a great lesson to be learned by teachers as Mr. Beat talks with David Muhammad who taught in a Kansas high school and hosted an open dialogue with students at his school over the Confederate flag in 2015. Mr. Muhammad terms this debate as very reasonable and civil. Many people shoot from the hip on this issue, however, they did their research before speaking utilizing laptops, cell phones or tablets. And people instead of getting very passionate left that dialogue in a civil fashion.

That being said those who believed the Confederate flag was a symbol of heritage lost ground to those who argued it was a symbol of hate or racism.

I'm curious about your thoughts on this.

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