Monday, October 25, 2021

Episode 1 Madigan Rule: Up from the garbage truck


[VIDEO] I didn't know this when when I first posted about this, "The Madigan Rule" podcasts were also being posted to YouTube. Here's episode one that illustrated his rise from the back of a garbage truck to being one of the more powerful politicians in Illinois. If you want to follow along with what's being said here's a transcript of this episode.

These podcasts are produced by the Better Gov't Association and you can go to "The Madigan Rule" page to list to other editions. There will be only four editions and the fourth one hasn't been shared yet. However, let's say starting now every Monday you will see the next edition and my thoughts on each edition of the podcast.

It's still hard to believe Madigan is no longer at the top of the hill in Illinois politics and the third episode showed how he fell so quickly. This episode discusses his rise being the son of a precinct captain to being a delegate to the Illinois Constitutional Convention in 1969-70 - and if you want to say he helped write the current state constitution you wouldn't be wrong.

Speaker Madigan has always been a fascinating political player able to stay in power for so long and often viewed him as the only adult in the room. It doesn't matter whether or not he was dealing with Democrats or Republicans. And from what I can tell he seemed to have a difficult time dealing with Democrat governors particularly Governors Rod Blagojevich and Pat Quinn.

Also I do believe him as an old school Chicago Democrat coming up in the waning days of the Democratic Machine. As explored we learn that he doesn't really seem to have core values other than to help keep himself in power. That's his primary motivator as we might learn from these podcasts.

We will also learn he knows how to count. It could be votes certainly as we learn it only takes 10K voters to be re-elected in his state house district the 22nd of the southwest side of the city and southwest suburbs. He's also a classic Chicago ward boss holding court in Chicago's 13th ward as Democrat Committeeman the one political position he currently still holds.

Again this is a fascinating look in our current edition of the Shedd School of Political Science.

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