Saturday, September 11, 2021

Mr. Beat explains 9/11


[VIDEO] Today is the 21st anniversary of this lethal terrorist attack on U.S. soil. I saw it unfold live on TV and was listen to the radio when another plane hit the World Trade Center in New York. I was going to school in downtown Chicago at the time, and was headed for class on that day. The reaction of my professor when in class on that day was seemingly stunned and I went home early that day.

Had a class in the evening that I opted to not attend was no longer in the mood for it. I couldn't exactly process what happened it was truly stunning to find out that the World Trade Center were destroyed and many more were stuck in those buildings when they collapsed. It was also stunning that one plane hit the Pentagon in Virginia and another plane crash in a farm field in Pennsylvania.

In this video which Mr. Beat premiered on Friday he discusses the many events and responses as a result of Sept. 11, 2001. The "War on Terror", the Afghanistan campaign, the Patriot Act, etc. The War on Terror is still ongoing and to inject some world affairs onto this blog.

Afghanistan has made the news a lot as of late when Biden withdrew from that trouble nation last month. Depending on what news sources you follow you hear that American's and various Afghan allies were left behind over there amidst the chaos of the American withdrawal and the insurgency of an insurgent group known as the Taliban.

In late 2001, President George W. Bush announced the start of military operations against the Taliban in Afghanistan and in a short time perhaps a month or so American-led forces gained control of Afghan terrority. The Taliban never went away even as ultimately an American backed regime was put into place over Afghanistan. Of course there have been charges of corruption as far as this goes, and besides to install a regime doesn't always seem to go without a hitch.

Either way the Taliban never went away and had an ongoing insurgency against the American led forces there. And 20 years later they've regained control of the country as the President of the American backed regime left the nation. 20 years earlier the Taliban effectively had control over most of the Afghan nation fighting a civil war against the Northern Alliance who wanted to restore the original gov't.

The Taliban then as now seek to install a regime with a very strict adherence to Islamic law. Perhaps like their neighbors in Iran or even like Saudi Arabia. There are videos of Taliban authorities seemingly using whips against women in public.

And that's another thing the reason why we went to Afghanistan in the first place was because there was a connection with the group named Al-Qaida who were responsible for the 9/11 terrorist attacks in the U.S.A. Have you had enough of the history lesson? 

I hope you watch the video above.

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