Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Mr. Beat Supreme Court brief: Can government force you to vaccinate


[VIDEO] This is relevant to a debate that is raging right now. Whether or not American citizens should be forced to be vaccinated against the coronavirus and its many variants.

The subject for this video is the case of Jacobson vs. Massachusetts. The U.S Supreme Court in 1905 that gov't can force you to be inoculated and the issue of that day was smallpox. So a town in Massachusetts felt it was necessary to force their residents to take a vaccine for public health.

Today during a global pandemic we're seeing the same types of issue with a dose of misinformation. We hear things about this vaccine never going through proper trials. We hear about side effects and lets face it all these inoculations and medications have side effects so no big surprise. Now we hear this vaccine isn't a guarantee that you won't get infected and you could potentially still spread the virus. We're going to hear soon that we might need additional booster shots.

I believe it should be your choice if you want to vaccinate. You can do it for your own reasons especially for those family members who have comorbidities that are further at risk. And short of that you should continue to take your precautions either way.

Main thing is your body your choice and hopefully you make this choice after speaking with a doctor. Which is what you should do in determining whether or not you need this inoculation. The last thing you need to do is watch your favorite news network and have that influence your decision when bad news is usually what drives ratings.

And I do hope you find the above Supreme Court "brief" to be interesting.

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