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Sunday, July 4, 2021

Mr. Beat: Canada and the United States compared #FourthofJuly


[VIDEO] In lieu of showing Mr. Beat's most recent video discussing the faces on U.S. currency dollar bills to coin we're going to look at the differences between our neighbors to the north in Canada and these United States. Seems like an appropriate video for the Fourth of July/Independence Day holiday.

While there are many similarities both nations are entirely different. We might perceive Canadians as more polite or more liberal. The Canada gov't is vastly different from ours as Canada is a constitutional monarchy where the Queen of the United Kingdom - England, Wales, Scotland, & Northern Ireland - sits on the Canadian throne. Thus Canada has a parliamentary form of gov't where the principal leader of that nation's gov't is determined by how many seats one party or another have in their legislature.

Of course these United States is a constitutional republic where there is strict separation of powers between the legislative, executive and judiciary. Power at least between the legislative and executive may often be split between various political parties. 

Another thing stated is levels of incarceration in Canada vs. U.S. where it is held that these United States incarcerate for more people between the two nations.

Also climates the U.S. has a vast territory that includes the continental 48 states, Alaska and Hawaii in addition to other territories such as Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Guam, Mariana Islands, even the American Samoa. We have arctic, deserts, tropical, type climates and I've only scratched the surface. For the most part I'm sure many of us think of Canada as super cold but watch the video their climates might surprise you.

I hope you enjoy this and learn something new. Hopefully you've had a very happy and safe Fourth of July holiday.

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