Friday, July 16, 2021

Geography King: Geographic profile of Wisconsin


[VIDEO] This video is about two days old and I figure this is a blog of learning just as much as it is anything else so how about a geography blog this morning.

I like to call Wisconsin dairyland and as I'm watching this video that hasn't come up yet. Wisconsin has been known for dairy such as milk or cheese. However, noted in this video is how general manufacturing is a major part of Wisconsin's economy.

As I share this Geography King is talking about some of the state's largest cities such as Madison, Milwaukee, Green Bay, Appleton, Fond du Lac, Racine, and Kenosha (hard hit by rioting last summer).

I'm somewhat familiar with Milwaukee as I've got distant relatives there. I haven't visited with them for many years, however, I knew what part of town they lived on and it could be somewhat comparable to some neighborhoods in Chicago. I've always viewed Milwaukee as a nice city with a nice lakefront.

Outside of Kenosha were outlet malls that I used to often visit. The last time I was there, the Pleasant Prairie Outlet mall had significantly expanded.

I hope you learn something new about our neighbors to the north.

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