Saturday, June 5, 2021

Capitol Fax: Don’t buy into the silly “Pritzker may not seek reelection” clickbait

What I do buy is that J.B. Pritzker's term as Governor has been a very challenging one. He's had some effective accomplishments and of course there has been this pandemic which the state will begin fully re-opening next week.

What many observers have noticed this week as he does interviews is that he's been "coy" about his plans for re-election. He won't say for sure unless for example he's spoken to his family about another term. And that seems to be an operative phrase for a number of politicians - making it seem like they're thinking about their families.

So some in the media are turning this into a he's not running again. Who knows? What's noted that Gov. Pritzker has set $35 million of his money into his campaign back in March. Pritzker is a very wealthy man and perhaps this amount of money shows he's running for re-election. However as far as I'm concerned we won't know until perhaps this fall.

And that's about normal anyway. Although in the latest legislative session in 2022 the primary election will be pushed back to June 28, 2022 among other reforms to this state's elections. The reasoning for this is due to delays as far as drawing a new congressional map.

This is where I send you to the CapFax blog.

I think that barring an official announcement, there isn't much to be speculated. And it's amazing to look at the toll of public life on Pritzker's family I suppose what you see discussed here is unfortunately part of the game. 

It's not just being in a fishbowl unfortunately it comes with other things both good and bad. Regardless I'm sure we'll soon know what his future plans will be for 2022.

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