Saturday, May 15, 2021

Retracing the murder of Emmett Till


[VIDEO] If I ever do my Civil Rights tour and go to the sites very important in the Civil Rights era is to go to Money, Mississippi. To visit that grocery store where 14-year-old Till allegedly made a move on the wife of the store owner. What I learned here in this video by Mobile Instinct is we'll never really know what happened here, we do know that Mrs. Bryant allegedly admitted decades later that the story that caused Till's murder was fabricated.

They go to a bridge where allegedly Till's body was dumped into the Tallahatchie River. And yet another site along the river where his body was most likely tossed into the river with a fan attached to his body. They went to the site of Till's torture and murder. They go to the courthouse where Roy Bryant and J.W. Milam were tried and acquitted for murder.

Also another site is the church of Till's great-uncle where they intended to have the funeral and a nearby graveyard where Till would've been buried. Instead as history records Mamie Mobley wanted her son to be sent to Chicago for his funeral. And as disfigured as this boy was by the actions of Bryant and Milam she wanted to show the world what they did to her boy! 

Oh well the bridge isn't used much anymore. The church of Till's family is basically a shell with the earth reclaiming it - not too uncommon in the country unfortunately I know by experience. The store where allegedly Till whistled at Mrs. Bryant is basically a shell also. However, all seen in this video are important places of history.

Also noted for $3,000 back in 1955 Bryant and Milam who couldn't be tried again because of "double jeopardy" were all too willing to take the money to tell their story of their crime to Look magazine.

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