Saturday, May 8, 2021

Geography King: Geographic portrait of Oregon


[VIDEO] I first became aware of Geography King - his name is Kyle - when he critiqued various state flags and their state capitols. He's especially critical as he doesn't hold back on those buildings and flags he thought are butt ugly.

Here he refers to Oregon's flag as ugly and Oregon's state capitol building as not a bad building but a strange one for a state legislative building.

Regardless he gives an economic, social and geological view of the state of Oregon and gives me a few ideas of where I should visit for my YouTube channel such as Crater Lake for example. It really is a fascinating state with a fascinating history and even as Kyle who's a native Californian noted, they have a far more eclectic history that their neighbors in the Golden State.

I had the opportunity to visit Oregon over a decade ago and considerations from my job at the time - no paid vacations - precluded me from going at the time. I could've gone but let's just say money was an issue. I have distant relatives in Portland I would've liked to have met and the trip would've been for a family reunion, however,  there hasn't been many opportunities since.

I hope you enjoy this geography lesson.

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