Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Bob Wallace R.I.P.


[VIDEO] I guess I could consider myself a Bob Wallace fan, however, I was late to the party. My memories of Wallace doesn't date to his time on Chicago's local CBS affiliate, but as the host of Chicago Works produced by the Mayor's press office if you have cable channel 23 on your TV.

I consider channel 23 the city's propaganda arm and it's not something that has been regular viewing for years. One couldn't help but see Mayor Richard M. Daley in his soundbites on the channel, though more often than not with Bob Wallace you see some of the great things happening in our city.

I remember one report which is a bit of a negative one, there are some apartment building on the south side and Wallace with a city building inspector were literally disgusted over some raw sewage. So we saw some not so great things, but at least Chicago residents saw a city that was concerned over the welfare of those living in not so great apartment buildings.

Robert Feder reported that Wallace had passed away after contracting coronavirus. He was 80 and it was cool to see a retrospective of his work at WBBM-TV from 1970 to 1991 as you see above. It surely was very interesting local TV from back in the day. And you get to see NBC Nightly News anchor Lester Holt in action also.

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