Monday, April 26, 2021

The Catoosa Tornado and a classmate's connection

I went to school with the classmate in question from this Tulsa World piece. My 7th grade teacher at the time Mr. Albrecht was dressed up more than usual one morning to tell us the bad news. A classmate Erinn Haynes was in Oklahoma and her family was caught up in a tornado. Erinn survived, however, her parents and younger sister perished in the Catoosa Tornado.

Erinn didn't return to school for the rest of that year although she did return to graduate from the 8th grade. She did come back to see everybody before the end of that year, and she was at that time a long way from recovery.

The article published in 2018 showed that she's still suffering some effects mentally and physically. She survived and I know that she has a strong faith that helped her survive this. Having read this article I have a better idea of what happened with her on that fateful day 28 years ago as of April 22nd.

I'm tempted to ask about a tree that was planted for her late sister Paige. Shedd School has been closed since 2013 and have little clue about the fate of that tree that was planted in her honor or even the location of it. I might have a funeral program in my possession and I was not in attendance for that funeral. The program was probably copied and handed to us - her classmates - at that time.

I can't say I really understood the gravity of Erinn's situation at the time, however, what wasn't lost upon me was this was a very sad thing to find out about a classmate. When we found out it was just after spring break at the time.

I hope you read some of Erinn's story and the memories of others who lived through that storm on that day at Tulsa World.

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