Friday, February 12, 2021

Mr. Beat on the 2020 Presidential election


[VIDEO] I feel as if Mr. Beat left out some issues from the 2020 race, although he only referenced them. Remember not too long before Election Day he and another YouTuber predicted a Biden presidency considering the issues occuring last year with the pandemic and the economy.

He dismissed the issues of voter fraud. It's true that many federal judges appointed by Donald Trump wouldn't touch the election fraud issues. It's true that his own administration found no evidence of voter fraud especially as announced by President Trump's Attorney General Bill Baar. That doesn't mean something weird wasn't going on during the voting count on election day in some places around the country especially the disputed states of Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia or even Arizona for example.

Also I think it's true that there wasn't great enthusiasm for Joe Biden who has been President since January 20, 2021. I even had someone pull me aside and said while they just believed we needed to get Trump out of the Presidency, some of what Biden has proposed policy wise just doesn't make much sense.

Is there an echo chamber on social media? I think that's true, even I gravitate towards certain partisan sources which I trust and believe is more fair. There are ways for me to hear the other side and what they think, however, an echo chamber is a problem especially on social media. If you live in your own bubble I think it could have some awful results. And were seeing this with the extreme divisions in America right now.

Mr. Beat did mention the coronavirus and the racial issues that went on last year even referring to the murder of George Floyd. In my mind I put those two events together the economic issues with this global pandemic and the violence that happened after George Floyd's death as he was arrested by police officers showed how unsettled this nation was. And with a quick reference to the January 6, 2021 insurrection it further underscores how unsettled this nation remained almost a year after Trump declared a national emergency due to the pandemic.

2020 is one odd year and one I hope we can recover from. Though 2021 and a new administration coming in doesn't seem that promising.

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