Friday, September 11, 2020

Daily Dose of Internet: How astronauts use the bathroom


[VIDEO] Owing to becoming a Star Trek fan one aspiration I had was being an astronaut. One early goal that I had before life took over was to fly on the space shuttle. Perhaps there's a child out there who aspires to fly in space themselves and hopefully they want to fly with a company such as Space X.

So this is why today's Daily Dose of Internet. How many of you wondered how does an astronaut use the bathroom in space? The first portion you see today in this video is exactly that. How does a person use the bathroom in weightlessness?

As always I hope that you learned something new in this video or it made your day just a bit better. Thats what you hear at the end of the video anyway after you've been thoroughly entertained. 

1 comment:

Eddie said...

I wondered how astronauts used the bathroom. Do they have toilets or use Depends?

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