Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Rubin Report: Heartbreaking Update From Destroyed Business Owner

[VIDEO] I've been looking for this video for a while and forgot all about it in the past month. Thanks to Dave Rubin I found out the background to this.

This lady out of NYC had her store looted and destroyed by rioters at the end of May - a lot of cities had riots in light of the alleged murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minnesota. In the days after the violent unrest I heard the audio from the video you see in this Rubin Report video on the radio - actually Mancow Muller on WLS-AM.

She represents the entrepreneur small business owner who unfortunately had to do some clean-up of their business after the rioters went to bed that night. Little did we know this was only the beginning as the unrest had yet to settle down and it's moved on from looting and damaging businesses to tearing down statues of historic figures in this nation.

Lucy Hosley and her partner Mustafa Alsaedi were interviewed for the Rubin Report and I see that a GoFundMe page has netted for Valentine Deli their business over $200,000. I hope they rebuild and I hope that in spreading this video we help people consider the damage their doing to neighborhoods and people's lives once they allow their hopeless to take over and cause destruction.

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