Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Can government force you to vaccinate? Mr. Beat Supreme Court briefs.

[VIDEO] If I had all day especially as a political science graduate who had to study constitutional law to look for all the landmark cases of SCOTUS.

And I do think this case Jacobson vs Massachusetts of 1905 to be somewhat relevant with this pandemic as it seems a treatment or vaccination for the coronavirus or COVID-19 is a prerequisite for getting society back to normal. While in recent years we've seen the debate over whether or not individuals should be forced to vaccinate.

The court ruled that government can mandate individuals must vaccinate, however, gov't can't actually force you to vaccinate. The opinion for this case was a man by the name of John Marshall Harlan (hey wait some school on the south side is named for him!) and he acknowledged there were some exceptions.

Of course, I can only imagine the debate over vaccinations with what's going on in the world currently. Right now I see social media postings about citizens concerned about other citizens not wearing masks in public. And as with vaccinations, I think individuals should choose whether or not they were a mask during this pandemic or whether or not they choose to be vaccinated.

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