Friday, February 28, 2020

The "Beerflu"

[VIDEO] At first I wanted to give you all an artsy project (i.e. a pinhole paint can camera), however, that will wait for another time. Today I wanted to share this video with you.

The coronavirus seems like a very scary illness which is spreading around the world. Two cases were found in the Chicago area unfortunately though contained due to the quick work of area doctors.

Still I found this video via a recent Daily Dose of Internet vid that shows the spread of this disease. In the actual video from Daily Dose we get to see a graph of other illnesses compared to Corona that have made the news in recent years. Here we see a 10 minute video about the spread of Coronavirus.

BTW, I just want to add that I only jokingly refer to this as "beerflu" because of yet another YouTube channel I began to follow Front Page Tech. They call Coronavirus the "beerflu" primarily because they would get demonetized for mentioning this illness. Of course another apart of the joke is Corona beverages.

Here's a response to Chicago's preparations for any local outbreaks.

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