Saturday, February 1, 2020

RetroTech: Macintosh

[VIDEO] Marquez Brownlee takes a look at the original 1984 Macintosh computer and how it was game changer in personal computers at that time. These days Macintosh computers are called Macs and we have iMac, Mac mini, Mac pro, MacBook Pro, or MacBook air. Mac is basically an important brand for Apple in addition to their iPhones, iPads or even Apple Watches.

This causes me to remember the computer lab at Bennett School. Most of the computers we used at school were basically IBMs or IBM clones (don't remember but to say that I have to remind myself that IBM is no longer in the PC business). It was cool that often we played games on them and these were computer games based on popular gameshows such as Jeopardy or Wheel of Fortune in addition to Prince of Persia for example. The games we had probably aren't what today's students are used to.

I forget to add that when we attended Shedd School to go to Bennett's computer lab we had to take a bus usually every Wednesday and often what we did in the lab was related to our school work. Often we had to work out math problems, do science or spelling. Rarely did we do any serious word processing.

At Shedd we didn't have computer classes our library teacher a man named Mr. Hackenbrock would pull out PCs on carts for us to use. Often to play games, however, we also did some word processing on those machines also.

Either way, while I may never have really connected why we needed to get acclimated to using a computer it's definitely something I take for granted now. At least for us it was fun and games, however, as we continue our education we will be using computers more and more. And I could also add Macs where no where near us back during the 1990s. In fact I can't say where the Mac line was back during that period.

What I share here somewhat connects with what I want to share with you hopefully later today. I hope you enjoy this edition of RetroTech. What I've learned is that the operating system still isn't much different from 1984 as it is in 2020. It's a whole new setup now at least to me and thus I have to forget about the Windows setup.

BTW, I find myself wondering what these kids are learning on computers these days or even what devices are they using. Are they still using IBM clones? Are they also using iPads or tablets? Are what they doing on these devices used according to what they're learning in the classrooms? Are they learning wordprocessing and typing their assignments on a computer?

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