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Friday, February 28, 2020

Mr. Beat: Why the principal can search your purse

[VIDEO] It seems I like to post videos on this blog very often. In this case here's Mr. Beat's latest Supreme Court Briefs and is on the case of the State of New Jersey vs. T.L.O. The student T.L.O. escalated this case from New Jersey courts to the SCOTUS after her school principal searched her purse based on a suspicion that she was smoking in a bathroom. She and another young lady had gotten caught by a teacher and T.LO. had denied she was smoking.

Well police were called T.L.O. confessed and was advised by a lawyer about the exclusionary clause of the 4th amendment. Just remember when it comes to searches of anyone's person or property a warrant is necessary. So a lot to cover as far as what say a police officer can do without warrant. For example is there a reasonable suspicion or is it in plain sight?

So either way SCOTUS sided with the State of New Jersey in this case. Also I want to note T.L.O. was a minor at the time reportedly 14-years-old when she was caught smoking in her school's bathroom. So we only know her identity by her initials.

BTW, this is the first time I shared a Mr. Beat video the same day it was uploaded

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